The Columbus Chiropractors at Capital City Chiropractic treat patients of all ages and walks of life for all sorts of aches and pains. From professional athletes and actors to local heroes such as our police and fire fighters, you can be sure that we have treated conditions just like yours with fast results.
If your injuries are the result of a work or auto accident, The Columbus Chiropractors are certified and equipped to treat auto accident cases, workers’ compensation cases, sports injuries, or just slips and falls around the house.
Studies show that both acute and chronic pain conditions respond very well to chiropractic care.
We would like to meet you and discuss your pain and how we can help. Call today and we will be glad to give you a free consultation with a certified doctor to help determine what is causing your pain.

Do You Have Any Of The Following Health Challenges?
The Columbus Chiropractors Can Help!
- Neck Pain relief
- Lower Back Pain Relief
- Auto Accidents
- Workers Compensation Injuries
- Joint Pain Relief
- Herniated or Bulging Disc Pain Relief
- Fast Headache Relief
- TMJ Relief
- Fibromyalgia Relief
- Neuralgia Relief
- Shoulder Pain Relief
- Hip Pain Relief
- Foot and Ankle Pain Relief
- Relief of Pain due to Scoliosis
- Knee Pain Relief
- Plus many other conditions.
Watch Dr. Bryan on Channel 10 News Below!
Feeling neck and back pain lately? Here’s what chiropractors say you can do…